Ashland Death Café offers a creative way
to explore how death can inform and inspire the way we live.
Dia de los Muertos 2017
Community. Connection. Conversation. Celebration.
A collaborative exploration of how death
informs and inspires the way we live
through conversation and the expressive arts
Nov 2nd + 3rd 2017, 4 to 9 pm, Ashland Oregon
Dia de los Muertos
Community Celebration
Briscoe ArtWing + Lithia Arts Guild invites
community members to create Altars of Remembrance and break the taboos around conversations about
Life, Death and “the getting there”.
We believe that gatherings with food, drink, and conversation combined with the expressive arts
renews the spirit of community.
Ashland Death Café will facilitate four conversations about death, dying and how to make the most out of life.
We all fear death, but let us not be haunted by it.
Death is a natural result of living.
In creating an altar, we begin a process that will
ultimately honor the abiding spirit of Life.
Community members were invited to create Altars of Remembrance.
As with Life… these installations are impermanent and fleeting…
These Altars are memorialized below as
Postcards of curated Altars of Remembrance with artist messages to the beyond...